Construction Engineering
- Construction operations simulation
- Applied photogrammetry in construction
- Construction safety and health
- Infrastructure asset management
- Decision-making support systems
- Construction project control
Environmental Engineering and Water Resources
- Ecosystem impacts of roadway construction, operation, and maintenance.
- Watershed-scale remediation of acid mine and acid rock drainage
- Chemical fate and modeling
- Watershed assessment and climate change impacts
- Ecological engineering
- River mechanics, sediment transport and erosion control
- Water and health
- Satellite remote sensing applications in hydrology
- Hydraulic engineering and open channel hydraulics
- Ecohydrological, hydroecological and water quality modeling
Geotechnical Engineering
- Geo-environmental engineering
- Energy engineering
- Geomechanics
- Shale gas production
- Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide
- Stability of earth slopes and dams
- Geomorphic landform design
- Coal waste impoundments
Materials Engineering
- Concrete materials and self-consolidating concrete
- Asphalt materials
- Fiber reinforced polymer materials
- Composite materials
Structural Engineering
- Advanced structural analysis
- Bridge engineering
- Building design
- Construction materials
- Composite construction materials
- FRP composites
- Structural rehabilitation
- Nondestructive evaluation
- Infrared thermography
Sustainable, Secure, and Resilient Infrastructure
Half of the state’s waterways are heavily polluted. Researchers are studying roles of surface runoff and agriculture use to determine the dynamics of stream water. Grant money from the Alpha Foundation developed pillars and standing support to improve mine safety. Alternative fuels will help reduce consumers’ fuel costs, minimize pollution and increase the nation’s energy security.
Sustainable Environment, Energy, Water and Human Health
U.S. grids efficiency lags at 33%, and emit 2 billion tons of carbon each year. WVU researchers have received two grants from the Dept of Energy to solve this crisis. A $1.4 million grant will develop residential combined heat and power (CHP) systems where power is generated at the point of use. Another grant of $2.38 million will develop a CHP generator for residential use based on a two-stroke, spark-ignited free-piston engine (ICE). Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) in Statler College is a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) that have been developing technologies focusing on biometrics and related identification systems for homeland security and variety of other applications.
Transportation Engineering
- Transportation systems principles
- Transportation planning and design
- Sustainability and resiliency in transportation
- Transportation statistics, modeling and visualization
- Intelligent transportation systems
- Connected and autonomous vehicle technology
Constructed Facilities Center
With its establishment in August, 1988, the Constructed Facilities Center became the home of a unique research and development center. The Center is unique for its ability to convert existing technology from a wide variety of sources to technologies having an immediate impact on the nation's constructed facilities. The Center's purpose is to foster and conduct research and development vital to the rehabilitation of our nation's constructed facilities.
Constructed facilities are the backbone of America's commerce and industry and include public buildings, highways and bridges, water and sewage treatment facilities, airports and mass transit systems, among others. According to many experts, our nation's infrastructure is deteriorating at a rate faster than our ability to renovate them. Recent studies indicate that it could cost trillions of dollars to bring all of our constructed facilities to safe and efficient operating levels.
The Center's purpose is to conduct research and development activities in areas that can help reduce or remedy deterioration of our nation's facilities. To achieve this, it takes an interdisciplinary research and development approach that combines innovative ideas and innovative materials with more conventional concepts and materials. In recent years, examples include:
- Development of composite and hybrid material components and systems for bridges and buildings
- Construction of a reinforced plastic building
- Promotion of activities in the field of emerging materials in civil engineering
- Preparation of design manuals for modern timber bridges
- Development of nondestructive evaluation techniques and tools.
CFC's ability to adapt rapidly to changing research needs allows us to study emerging technologies and adapt these technologies to create new products such as fiber composite materials, diagnostic tools, design procedures or new structural components. A second distinguishing feature is our close-working relationship with the owners of our nation's constructed facilities. Much of our work is conducted in cooperation with chemical, manufacturing and construction industry, highway agencies and other government agencies. Through joint projects and continuing education, the CFC is in frequent contact with practicing engineers.